IGN learnings

Access to good work or any work?

Ign profile 2023 10 16 140009 rarp

Inclusive Growth Network

R2 - masthead

Prior to Covid-19, ‘good work’ was a major inclusive growth priority for IGN members with many showing positive progress in delivering ‘good work’. The pandemic has had a significant impact on businesses, presenting a range of challenges for businesses of all types and sizes, including cashflow, viability and returning to work safely.

As we move to recovery, there is a willingness to ‘build back better’ and IGN members are highlighting the links between good work, productivity and public health to make the case for change. However, there are growing concerns around whether any job is better than no job in the context of rising unemployment. Experts from the Centre for Progressive Policy and JRF led a workshop to explore how to build good work into Covid-19 recovery plans.

Key learnings

  • Gaps in reach have been further exposed during crisis. Shifting the dial means going beyond the small core of companies engaging in ‘good work’ programmes. Many members have focused efforts on specific sectors, e.g. care.
  • Good employment charters are a tool to drive ‘good work’. A tiered charter model is one approach to addressing reach and bringing more businesses on the ‘good work’ journey. There is an opportunity for members developing charters to use this time to secure ‘early adopters’, consider working lives post-Covid and ensure safe working environments. It is important to align charters where possible and consider the impact of multiple charters on a business.
  • Creating futureproofed jobs can support the ‘good work’ agenda and build back better. Places should focus on investing in quality jobs of the future and ensuring that local people are connected to these opportunities. The Centre for Progressive Policy has advocated for individual skills matching models to be scaled up to the level of local economies, with local leaders using training to guide their economies from ‘origin sectors’ to ‘destination sectors’.
  • Social value through procurementis a key local lever to secure good work in the long-term. There is potential to embed good work pledges/charters into procurement processes and influence wider anchor institution procurement to secure good work and broader inclusive growth outcomes.
  • A wide range of levers can be used to create opportunities for ‘good work’ in local places. This includes the use of Section 106/Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) through the provision of quality apprenticeships, equity stakes in business and investment frameworks, campaigning for Living Wage accreditation and building it into procurement processes, and leading targeted work with sectors e.g. focused activity to support in-work progression in the care sector.


Framing the ‘good work’ agenda

Presentation by Rosie Stock-Jones, Senior Research Analyst at the Centre for Progressive Policy

179 KB  |  pdf

Embedding good work in recovery

Presentation by Morgan Bestwick, Policy Officer at JRF

120 KB  |  pdf