North Ayrshire Council

Located in the South West of Scotland, North Ayrshire is a large semi-rural and coastal area on the Firth of Clyde, with the principal town of Irvine and two islands, Arran and Cumbrae. It has significant natural assets, contributing to a strong tourist economy. There is an entrepreneurial culture supported by a large proportion of small and micro businesses.
But not everybody is able to share in the region’s success. North Ayrshire has some of the highest rates of poverty and inequality and one of the lowest job densities in Scotland. It is the 5th most deprived Council area in Scotland.
North Ayrshire Council is the first Community Wealth Building Council in Scotland. This aligns with the new ten-year Regional Economic Strategy for Ayrshire and £3m Pan-Ayrshire Community Wealth Building Programme delivered as part of the Ayrshire Growth Deal, a partnership driven by the Scottish and UK Government and East, North and South Ayrshire Councils. It focuses on addressing innovation, productivity and inequality challenges across the regional economy.
Here are some of the ways that North Ayrshire is delivering inclusive growth in practice:

Community Wealth Building
Scotland’s first Community Wealth Building Strategy was launched by North Ayrshire in May 2020 to create a fairer and more resilient local and regional economy. The Strategy was updated in 2024.
Read more on the IGN Resource Hub.

Islands Recovery and Renewal Pilot
A unique three-year pilot to support inclusive and green economic recovery and renewal in Arran and Cumbrae.
Read North Ayrshire’s blog here.

Ayrshire Regional Economic Strategy (2023-33)
This is the first regional strategy for Ayrshire, presenting a vision for 2033, and the first in Scotland to embed Community Wealth Building principles throughout to build wealth for everyone in Ayrshire.